Statistics Committee


One of the most valuable benefits of GCA membership is access to industry statistical data.  These reports are available to association members only.  Member companies consistently utilize this data to support proposed business expansion, internal initiatives, and capital expenditure decisions.

The Statistics Committee provides guidance on gathering and publishing exclusive industry-specific data for the natural gas compression sector.  Pertinent industry reports are published monthly to provide members with the most current view of the trends and changes in the industry.

GCA statistical data is created from submittals from members in the following categories:

  • Manufacturers
  • Reciprocating Compressor
  • Rotary Screw Compressor
  • Engine
  • Electric Motor
  • Cooler
  • Compressor Packagers (OEMs)
  • Compressor Rental Fleets

Additionally, GCA publishes a quarterly market forecast derived as a collaborative member snapshot on forward looking views of the natural gas compression industry.

GCA statistical data is compiled and published by an independent third-party to ensure anonymity and integrity.  In addition to the most current data, GCA offers a historical record of over 30 years of industry statistical data covering the manufacturing, packaging, and rental fleet segments of the industry.

Committee Chair

Chris Goulet
Market Analyst
Ariel Corporation

Contact Info
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Committee Members

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Market Statistics

GCA Marketing StatisticsClick here to go to for the GCA-sponsored marketing statistics database and reporting system. You will be required to log in with your company’s credentials.